Institute of Physics, Measurement of stress and strain in solids: based on the proceedings of a conference arranged by t Manchester and Distri, . (1948). Measurement of stress and strain in solids: based on the proceedings of a conference arranged by t Manchester and Distri. Institute of Physics: London.
Institute of Physics, Measurement of stress and strain in solids: based on the proceedings of a conference arranged by t Manchester and Distri, . 1948. Measurement of stress and strain in solids: based on the proceedings of a conference arranged by t Manchester and Distri. Institute of Physics: London.
Institute of Physics, Measurement of stress and strain in solids: based on the proceedings of a conference arranged by t Manchester and Distri, . (1948). Measurement of stress and strain in solids: based on the proceedings of a conference arranged by t Manchester and Distri. Institute of Physics: London.
Institute of Physics, Measurement of stress and strain in solids: based on the proceedings of a conference arranged by t Manchester and Distri, . Measurement of stress and strain in solids: based on the proceedings of a conference arranged by t Manchester and Distri. Institute of Physics: London. 1948.